
Guard Your Heart

No one has ever said that being a working artist was an easy road. If I knew 20 years ago what I know now I may not have opened my studio. The disappointments and set backs seem to be all too frequent.

But I do it for the love of creating something wonderful and beautiful. There is nothing like having a vision of a piece of art or design and see it unfold through your hands. Then the ultimate reward is having someone fall in love with what you have created or being touched by it in some way. Some how in that moment it all seems worth while.

The day to day pot holes on the road of life we all endure and learn to soldier through. When the client doesn't pay and the rent is due or the serger breaks when you are on a dead line or the computer crashes and you lose your files. We thow up our hands and threaten to throw in the towel but we know in the morning the sun will rise again.

Harder to deal with it seems are those dreams that go unfulfilled, the door that doesn't open and worse still the one that closes. That is when I have learned to guard my heart and not allow bitterness to take root in my soul. But to trust my Creator who knows all about it and has a bigger plan for my life.


He filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen and weavers - all of them master craftsmen and designers.

Exodus 35:35

Your creations are beautiful.
Cam B.

About Shelley

For designer and artist Shelley Barr, "God is in the details". This belief has earned her the affectionate nickname "the detail lady". Whether Shelley is creating a textile wallhanging or mixed media on canvas, it's her attention to details that makes the difference.